Suzanne Young

Massage therapist

Suzanne is a soft tissue therapist and has been at the clinic for over 15 years. Suzanne tailors treatments to the needs of each client, using a combination of advanced soft tissue techniques to relieve the immediate symptoms, whilst also considering possible root causes such as poor posture, past injury and occupational stress factors.

Suzanne qualified from the London School of Soft Tissue Therapy in 2001 and has a BTEC Level 5 Diploma in Clinical Sport and Remedial Massage Therapy. She also has completed further training in Posture Coaching & Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, Myofascial Release techniques and Spinal & Core Stabilisation techniques.

Suzanne is also a qualified ASA level 2 swimming coach and teacher. She is registered with the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC) and is a member of the Institute for Soft Tissue Therapists (ISRM). Suzanne has used her skills to treat many clients in both sporting and non sporting activities, including swimming, diving, golf, tennis and running.


Steve Stevens


Lois Hodson