Cherie Ramsay

Skin and Body Therapist

Cherie Ramsay is originally from South Africa and has lived in the UK for the last 12 years. She is a skin and body therapist, qualified in 2005 with multiple examination boards within cosmetology, these include ITEC, CIDESCO, SAASHP and CIBTAC.

She has 15 years’ experience within the industry, including 10 years lecturing and teaching best practices for skin therapies and leading the first Level 4 CIBTAC courses at a Beauty College in London.

Cherie specialises in skin treatments, namely non-ablative chemical peels, skin needling and removal and reduction of skin lesions. She has been a trainer for Dermalogica and recently trained Dermalogica Education team to gain their CIBTAC Level 4 qualification.

“My passion is skin, its health and educating clients to help them produce long lasting results”

Cherie is mum to 3 little ones and lives in Woking with her husband.


Lois Hodson


Sarah Kennedy